Longgie Food Solution Limited is a trade company dedicated to promoting premium, healthy snacks and foods from Taiwan. Our mission is to provide innovative products to Hong Kong and international markets. Our main products include FoodPower brand's Rainbow Chakra Herbal Tea Bags and Yun Zhi Xiang brand's local Taiwanese dried fruits. All natural, no additives and packed with appropriate size. Through our efforts, we aim to bring the natural flavors and health benefits of Taiwan to a wider audience. OEM package or dried food processing is welcome for discussion.
祥怡食品有限公司是一家致力於推廣台灣優質健康零食與食品的貿易公司,旨在為香港及國際市場提供創新產品。我們目前的主要產品包括台灣 FoodPower品牌的”彩虹舒心飲”養生茶包, 以及”芸之香”品牌的台灣在地水果乾。透過我們的努力, 我們希望將台灣的自然美味和健康理念帶給更多人。此外, 我們也提供OEM業務, 歡迎洽談合作, 共同開發更多優質健康產品
Main Product
Promoting Premium, Healthy Snacks And Foods From Taiwan